WGSIP Publications
Check out meeting summaries, special issues and peer-reviewed publications by the Working Group
Panel meeting reports
- Report of the 21st WGSIP Session (May 2019, Moscow, Russian Federation)
- Report of the 20th WGSIP Session (September 2018, Boulder, USA)
- Report of the 19th WGSIP Session (October 2017, Exeter, UK)
- Report of the 18th WGSIP Session (November 2016, Dakar, Senegal)
- Report of the 17th WGSIP Session (September 2015, Norrköping, Sweden)
- Report of the 16th WGSIP Session (March 2014, Exeter, Germany)
- Report of the 15th WGSIP Session (September 2012, Hamburg, Germany)
- Report of the 14th WGSIP Session (September 2011, Trieste, Italy)
- Report of the 13th WGSIP Session (July 2010, Buenos Aires, Argentina)
- Report of the 12th WGSIP Session (January 2009, Miami, USA)
- Report of the 11th WGSIP Session (June 2007, Barcelona, Spain)
- Report of the 10th WGSIP Session (Feb 2006, Wellington, New Zealand)
- Report of the 9th WGSIP Session (Oct 2004, Exeter, UK)
- Report of the 8th WGSIP Session (Nov 2003, Honolulu, USA)
- Report of the 7th WGSIP Session (Nov 2002, Cape Town, South Africa)
- Report of the 6th WGSIP Session (Nov 2001, Budapest, Hungary)
- Report of the 5th WGSIP Session (Nov 2000, Buenos Aires, Argentina)
- Becker, E. J., B. P. Kirtman, M. L’Heureux, Á. G. Muñoz, and K. Pegion, 2022: A Decade of the North American Multimodel Ensemble (NMME): Research, Application, and Future Directions. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 103, E973–E995, https://doi.org/10.1175/BAMS-D-20-0327.1.
- Butler, A., O. Alves, A. Arribas, M. Athanassiadou, J. Baehr, N. Calvo, A. Charlton-Perez, M. Déqué, D. Domeisen, H. Hendon, Y. Imada, M. Ishii, M. Iza, A. Karpechko, A. Kumar, C. MacLachlan, W. Merryfield, W. Müller, A. O'Neill, A. Scaife, J. Scinocca, M. Sigmond, T. Stockdale, and T. Yasuda, 2016: The Climate Historical Forecast Project: Do stratosphere-resolving models make better seasonal climate predictions in boreal winter? Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, doi: 10.1002/qj.2743.
- Osman, M., C. Vera, and F. Doblas-Reyes, 2016: Predictability of the tropospheric circulation in the Southern Hemisphere from CHFP models. Climate Dynamics, 46(7): 2423-2434.
- Scaife, A. et al, 2014: Skilful Long Range Prediction of European and North American Winters, Geophysical Research Letters, DOI: 10.1002/2014GL059637
- Data and Bias Correction for Decadal Climate Predictions CMIP-WGCM-WGSIP Decadal Climate Prediction Panel, International CLIVAR Project Office Publication Series 150, 5pp, 2011.
- Assessment of Intraseasonal to Interannual Climate Prediction and Predictability, National Academy of Sciences, 2010.
- B. Kirtman and A. Pirani, 2009: The State of the Art of Seasonal Prediction Outcomes and Recommendations from the First World Climate Research Program (WCRP) Workshop on Seasonal Prediction, BAMS, DOI: 10.1175/2008BAMS2707.1
- Review Paper: Kirtman, B.P., Shukla, J., Balmaseda, M., Graham, N., Penland, C., Xue, Y. and Zebiak, S. (eds.) (2001): Current status of ENSO forecast skill: a report to the CLIVAR Working Group on Seasonal to Interannual Prediction. Southampton, UK, International CLIVAR Project Office, 24pp. (ICPO Publication Series, 56)