The Working Group works on the development of appropriate data assimilation, model initialisation and forecast procedures for these timescales, taking into account factors such as the assessment of the observing system, the use of ensemble and probabilistic methods, statistical and empirical improvements, and measures of forecast skill. WGSIP reports to the WCRP Joint Scientific Committee on the status of subseasonal to interdecadal prediction and liaises with the WCRP Working Group on Coupled Modelling (WGCM) and the Working Group on Numerical Experimentation (WGNE).
Research goals are to develop appropriate data assimilation, model initialization and forecasting procedures for subseasonal-to-interdecadal predictions, with consideration of factors such as observing system evaluation, use of ensemble and probabilistic methods, statistical and empirical enhancements, and measures of forecast skill.
WGSIP oversees the Decadal Climate Prediction Project (DCPP), which coordinates the scientific and practical aspects of decadal climate prediction research within WCRP.
Read the Working Group's Terms of Reference on Zenodo.