Susann Tegtmeier - co-chair

Affiliation: University of Saskatchewan, Canada

Background: PhD in Physics, University Potsdam

Research interests: Stratospheric dynamics, atmospheric composition, chemistry-climate interactions, stratosphere-troposphere coupling

Baylor Fox-Kemper - co-chair

Affiliation: Brown University, USA

Background: PhD in Physical Oceanography, MIT/WHOI Joint Program

Research interests: Physical Oceanography, Climate, Turbulence, Waves, Air-Sea Interactions

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Ana Bastos

Affiliation: Leipzig University, Germany

Background: PhD in Geophysical and Geoinformation Science, University of Lisbon, PT, 2015

Research interests: Carbon cycle variability, trends and extremes; climate-biosphere interactions; carbon cycle monitoring and modelling

Alison Cobb

Affiliation: European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF)

Background: PhD in Physics, Imperial College London

Research interests: Reanalysis, extreme weather, ocean-atmosphere interactions

Boris Dewitte

Affiliation: CEAZA (Center for Advanced Studies in Aride Zones), Chile

Background: PhD in physical oceanography

Research interests: Tropical and eastern boundary systems dynamics, regional oceanic modelling, air-sea interactions

Fatima Driouech

Affiliation: University Mohammed VI Polytechnic, Morocco

Background: PhD in Sciences of the Universe, Environment and Space National Polytechnic Institute – University of Toulouse

Research interests: Observed and projected changes, downscaling, drought, extremes, climate services

Michio Kawamiya

Affiliation: Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC)

Background: PhD in Physical Oceanography, University of Tokyo

Research interests: Ocean ecosystem and carbon cycle modeling, Earth system modeling

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Yixiong Lu

Affiliation: Earth System Modeling and Prediction Centre, China Meteorological Administration, China

Background: PhD in Meteorology, Nanjing University, China

Research interests: Earth system model development; coupled climate-social modeling; climate projections; middle atmosphere; machine learning

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Claire MacIntosh

Affiliation: European Space Agency, UK

Background: PhD in Atmospheric Physics, University of Reading

Research interests: Atmospheric composition, Remote sensing, uncertainty propagation, observations-modelling interface

Maria Molina

Affiliation: University of Maryland, College Park, USA

Background: PhD in Earth and Ecosystem Science

Research interests: Machine learning for weather and climate; Earth system predictability

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Indira Rani

Affiliation: National Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting (NCMRWF), Ministry of Earth Science, India

Background: Ph.D (Physics-Atmospheric Sciences), Space Physics Laboratory, ISRO, University of Kerala, India

Research interests: Observation processing, Data Assimilation, Reanalysis, Remote Sensing, Satellite Meteorology, Earth System Modelling

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Harun Rashid

Affiliation: CSIRO (The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation), Australia

Background: PhD in Atmospheric Science, Victoria University of Wellington

Research interests: Climate model development, modelling climate variability and climate change, ENSO dynamics, historical climate change

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Jörg Schulz

Affiliation: European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT), Germany

Background: PhD in Atmospheric Physics, University of Hamburg

Research interests: Climate change & satellites, model-based reanalyses, cloud computing and machine learning

Roland Séférian

Affiliation: CNRM (Université de Toulouse, Météo-France, CNRS), France

Background: PhD in Climate and oceanography, Université Versailles Saint Quentin, Paris

Research interests: Earth system modelling, Climate-Carbon Cycle feedbacks and interactions; Climate Solutions and Geoengineering

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