Job Board

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Post-doctoral Research Assistant (PDRA) in Land Surface Modelling at the University of Reading, UK

The PDRA in Land Surface Modelling will work on the LEMONTREE (Land Ecosystem Models based On New Theory, observations and Experiments) project. The PDRA will be responsible for integrating new model components developed by the LEMONTREE project into the JULES and/or ecLAND (CHTESSEL) land-surface schemes in collaboration with project scientists at the University of Reading, Imperial College London, the Met Office and ECMWF. They will also be responsible for evaluating and optimising the performance of the new components, and disseminating successes to the broader land-surface and climate modelling communities. The postholder will be expected to interact with other members of the LEMONTREE.

The post is fixed term, initially for 14 months with the potential for extension subject to continued funding.

Applications deadline: 31.03.2025

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Research Scientist in Land Surface Processes (CONCERTO project) at the University of Reading, UK

The School of Mathematical Physical & Computational Sciences is seeking a research scientist who will help revolutionise our understanding of terrestrial ecosystem carbon (C) uptake, and to investigate, at the mechanistic level, the potential for reducing the persistently divergent estimates of future carbon uptake in Earth System Models. The research scientist will focus on the use of the novel p-model, based on rapidly emerging breakthroughs in eco-evolutionary optimality theory.

Full-time post up to 48 months.

Applications deadline: 16.03.2025

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ESMO Open Calls