Tatiana Ilyina (co-Chair)

Affiliation: University of Hamburg, Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon, Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Germany

Background: PhD in Oceanography, University of Hamburg

Research interests: Modeling the carbon cycle in the Earth system

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Tilo Ziehn (co-Chair)

Affiliation: CSIRO, Australia

Background: PhD in Environmental Modeling, University of Leeds, UK

Research interests: Earth System Modeling, carbon cycle and feedbacks, land based mitigation, climate stabilisation and overshoots

Barbara Früh

Affiliation: Deutscher Wetterdienst, Germany

Background: PhD in Meteorology, Johannes-Gutenberg-University Mainz, Germany

Research interests: Earth System Modeling, seasonal & decadal climate predictions, climate services based on climate forecasts and projections, climate change and climate adaptation

Brian O'Neill

Affiliation: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), USA

Background: PhD in Earth Systems Science, New York University

Research interests: Integrated assessment modeling, socioeconomic scenario development, climate change risks

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Swapna Panickal

Affiliation: Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM), India

Background: Ph.D. in Marine Sciences, National Institute of Oceanography, Goa, India

Research interests: Earth System Modeling, Monsoon and Teleconnections, Climate Variability and Change

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David Salas y Melia

Affiliation: Météo-France, France

Background: Ph.D in ocean and atmospheric physics, Toulouse University, France

Research interests: Earth System Modelling, ice sheet-climate interactions, sea ice-climate interactions, climate change and climate adaptation.

Masahiro Watanabe

Affiliation: University of Tokyo, Japan

Research interests: Climate modeling, Climate variability and change, Earth system prediction

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Shuting Yang

Affiliation: Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI), Denmark

Background: PhD in Dynamical Meteorology, Stockholm University, Sweden

Research interests: Earth System Modelling, ice sheet-climate interactions and modelling, decadal climate predictions and predictability, Arctic climate change and remodel impacts

Tianjun Zhou

Affiliation: Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Background: PhD in Meteorology, Peking University, China

Research interests: Climate modeling and climate dynamics, global monsoon, climate extremes, decadal climate prediction and predictability

Emeritus members

Greg Flato, Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis, Canada

Cath Senior, Visiting Professor, University of Leeds, UK