Tatiana Ilyina (co-Chair)Affiliation: University of Hamburg, Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon, Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Germany Background: PhD in Oceanography, University of Hamburg Research interests: Modeling the carbon cycle in the Earth system |
Tilo Ziehn (co-Chair)Affiliation: CSIRO, Australia Background: PhD in Environmental Modeling, University of Leeds, UK Research interests: Earth System Modeling, carbon cycle and feedbacks, land based mitigation, climate stabilisation and overshoots |
Barbara FrühAffiliation: Deutscher Wetterdienst, Germany Background: PhD in Meteorology, Johannes-Gutenberg-University Mainz, Germany Research interests: Earth System Modeling, seasonal & decadal climate predictions, climate services based on climate forecasts and projections, climate change and climate adaptation |
Brian O'NeillAffiliation: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), USA Background: PhD in Earth Systems Science, New York University Research interests: Integrated assessment modeling, socioeconomic scenario development, climate change risks |
Swapna PanickalAffiliation: Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM), India Background: Ph.D. in Marine Sciences, National Institute of Oceanography, Goa, India Research interests: Earth System Modeling, Monsoon and Teleconnections, Climate Variability and Change |
David Salas y MeliaAffiliation: Météo-France, France Background: Ph.D in ocean and atmospheric physics, Toulouse University, France Research interests: Earth System Modelling, ice sheet-climate interactions, sea ice-climate interactions, climate change and climate adaptation. |
Masahiro WatanabeAffiliation: University of Tokyo, Japan Research interests: Climate modeling, Climate variability and change, Earth system prediction |
Shuting YangAffiliation: Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI), Denmark Background: PhD in Dynamical Meteorology, Stockholm University, Sweden Research interests: Earth System Modelling, ice sheet-climate interactions and modelling, decadal climate predictions and predictability, Arctic climate change and remodel impacts |
Tianjun ZhouAffiliation: Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Background: PhD in Meteorology, Peking University, China Research interests: Climate modeling and climate dynamics, global monsoon, climate extremes, decadal climate prediction and predictability |
Emeritus members
Greg Flato, Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis, Canada
Cath Senior, Visiting Professor, University of Leeds, UK