Ariane Frassoni (Co-Chair)

Affiliation: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE/CPTEC), Brazil

Background: PhD in Meteorology, Brazilian National Institute for Space Research

Research interests: Numerical weather and environmental prediction, subseasonal prediction, air quality and aerosols, model verification

Tim Graham (Co-Chair)

Affiliation: Met Office, UK

Background: PhD in coupled ocean-atmosphere modelling, University of East Anglia, Norwich, United Kingdom

Research interests: Earth System Modelling, Meteorology, Oceanography, Numerical Weather Prediction, Seamless Model Development

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Martin Köhler

Affiliation: Deutscher Wetterdienst, Germany

Background: PhD in Atmospheric Science, University of California, Los Angeles

Research interests: Earth System Modeling, Seamless Simulation from large-eddy to climate, Parameterisation of Physical Processes

Peter Lauritzen

Affiliation: NCAR, USA

Background: PhD in Atmospheric Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Research interests: Earth system modeling, physics-dynamics coupling, numerical methods for weather and climate models, supercomputing

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Eun-Hee Lee

Affiliation: Korea Institute of Atmospheric Prediction Systems (KIAPS), South Korea

Background: PhD in Atmospheric Science, Seoul National University, South Korea

Research interests: Numerical weather prediction, km resolution modeling, sub-seasonal prediction, physics parameterization, forecast verification

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Xingliang Li

Affiliation: CMA Earth system modeling and prediction center (CEMC), CMA, China

Background: PhD in Atmospheric Science, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, China

Research interests: Earth system modeling, Numerical weather prediction, numerical methods for atmospheric model

Ujiie Masashi

Affiliation: Japan Meteorological Agency, Japan

Research interests: Numerical weather prediction, numerical methods, parameterization of physical processes, TC verification

Mohau Jacob Mateyisi

Affiliation: Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), South Africa

Background: PhD in Theoretical Physics, University of Stellenbosch, Western South Africa

Research interests: Earth system modeling, Numerical weather prediction, numerical methods for atmospheric model

Ron McTaggart-Cowan

Affiliation: Environment and Climate Change Canada, Canada

Background: PhD in Atmospheric Science, McGill University

Research interests: Numerical weather prediction, synoptic-dynamic meteorology, atmospheric physics, parameterization of physical processes

Inna Polichtchouk

Affiliation: European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), Germany-UK-Italy

Background: PhD in Atmospheric Science, Queen Mary, University of London

Research interests: Earth system modelling, km-scale modelling, dynamical core development, hybrid modelling 

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Romain Roehrig

Affiliation: Centre National de Recherches Météorologiques (Météo-France and CNRS), France

Background: PhD in Atmospheric Sciences, Université Paris Est, Paris, France

Research interests: Earth system modelling, parameterization of atmospheric processes, process-level model evaluation, tropical climate

Sarat Sreepathi

Affiliation: Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), USA

Background: PhD in Computer Science, North Carolina State University, USA

Research interests: High Performance Computing, Computational Climate Science, Scalable Algorithms, Performance optimization, Exascale Co-design

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Ankur Srivastava

Affiliation: Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, India

Background: PhD in Climate Studies, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India

Research interests: Subseasonal-to-seasonal prediction, Earth System Modeling, Ocean mixed layer and barrier layer processes and hydrological interactions

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Fanglin Yang

Affiliation: National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP), USA

Background: PhD in Atmospheric Sciences, University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign

Research interests: Numerical weather modeling and verification

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Ex-Officio Members

Sandrine Bony (IPSL, France), representing GEWEX/GASS

Daniel Klocke (Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie, Germany), representing GEWEX/GASS

Peter J. Gleckler (PCMDI, USA), representing Metrics Panel

Daehyun Kim (University of Washington), representing MJO TF

Charlotte Demott (Colorado State University), representing MJO TF

Barbara Casati (Environment and Climate Change Canada), representing JWGFVR

Caio Coelho (CPTEC, Brazil), representing JWGFVR

Volker Wulfmeyer (University of Hohenheim), representing GEWEX/GLASS

Don Wuebbles (University of Illinois, USA), representing SPARC

Huijin Wang (School of Atmospheric Science Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, China), representing JSC