
Contributions are requested under the following topics:

  1. Development and studies of coupled models and Earth System Models
  2. Global and regional climate models: response to forcing, impact studies, subseasonal and seasonal forecasting
  3. Advances in forecast / NWP models: case studies, predictability, ensembles
  4. Parameterization of physical processes in Earth System Models or their components
  5. Forecast verification: novel methodologies to diagnose and measure systematic errors
  6. Uncoupled and coupled data assimilation for integrated earth system analysis and prediction; methodology and data impact sensitivity studies
  7. Developments in ocean, sea-ice, and wave modeling
  8. Reanalysis datasets and statistical post-processing
  9. Numerical/computational techniques and model resolution, physics-dynamics and physics-physics cross-component coupling
  10. Machine learning and Al in weather prediction and climate modeling

The deadline to send your contribution is 30 November, 2024.

The contributions are requested as PDF files with a maximum length of two pages (including references and any diagram, figures, or tables). Please use the linked doc or LaTex templates to prepare your submission. For additional information on how to apply, check out the call document.

For further information, please contact Dr. Bimochan Niraula or the ESMO IPO.