• WGNE39-WGSIP25 Annual Meetings
  • 2024-11-04T13:30:00+01:00
  • 2024-11-08T12:30:00+01:00
  • The annual meetings of the Working Group on Numerical Experimentation and the Working Group on Subseasonal to Interdecadal Prediction will take place in Toulouse, France.

Nov 04, 2024 01:30 PM to Nov 08, 2024 12:30 PM
(Europe/Berlin / UTC100)


Météo-France, Toulouse, France

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The annual joint meeting of the Working Group on Numerical Experimentation (WGNE) and the Working Group on Subseasonal to Interdecadal Prediction (WGSIP) took place from November 4th to 8th, 2024, in Toulouse, France. This gathering serves as a platform for members to discuss ongoing projects, share recent developments, and plan collaborative initiatives for the upcoming year.

The agenda includes joint sessions on key areas of focus such as bias reduction, initialization, model processes improvements and scale-aware parameterizations and seamless prediction. Participants will also have the opportunity to review progress on joint experiments, assess methodologies, and refine strategies for future work.

This meeting is intended for members of WGNE and WGSIP. All members are encouraged to attend to contribute to the discussions and decision-making processes.

Useful Documents:

Group Photos

Find (and upload!) pictures from the meeting at this link


Joint plenary S1 - Opening

Introduction to the TRACCS programme - David Salas Y Melia (CNRM)

TRACCS-PC5: COMputing PAradigms towards efficient, modular and trainable ClimT models (COMPACT) - Julien Le Sommer (IGE, online)

TRACCS-PC6: QUantifying uncertaINties, Tuning and Equilibrating climaTe models (QUINTET) - Aurore Voldoire (CNRM)

TRACCS-PC7: Improving the physical PRoceSS representatION in Earth System Models (IMPRESSION-ESM)- David Salas Y Melia (CNRM)

TRACCS-PC8: Enhanced treatment of biogeochemical processes - Climate feedbacks, impacts and vulnerabilities - Roland Séférian (CNRM)

WCRP & ESMO introduction - Fanny Adloff

WGNE Introduction - Nils Wedi, Ariane Frassoni

WGSIP Introduction - June-Yi Lee, Bill Merryfield, Ángel Muñoz

WWRP Introduction - Chris Davis

WIPPS & EW4All Introduction - David Richardson

EPESC - Scott Osprey

GAW - Sara Basart

Modelling Aspects of G3W - Gianpaolo Balsamo

WGSIP Session 1 - Research and modelling centres updates
WGNE Session 1 – Member presentations

CNRM - Constantin Ardilouze

APCC - Jin-Ho Yoo

UKMO - Leon Hermanson

BoM - Debbie Hudson

ECMWF - Stephanie Johnson

PNU/ICCP - June-Yi Lee

UCL - François Massonnet

KMA/NMRS - Y.-K. Hyun

ECCC - William Merryfield

NASA - Andrea Molod

BSC - Ángel G. Muñoz

UBA/CIMA - Marisol Osman

JMA/MRI - Yuhei Takaya

ICPAC - Masilin Gudoshava

Intro & WGNE new membership overview - Nils Wedi* & Ariane Frassoni

Center update - Masashi Ujiie

Center update - Eun-Hee Lee

Center update - Xingliang Li

Center update - Ankur Srivastava

Center update - Mohau Jacob Mateyisi

Center update - Tim Graham

Center update - Inna Polichtchouk

Center update - Günther Zängl

Center update - Ariane Frassoni

Center update - Peter Lauritzen

WGSIP business + aligned activities within WCRP & WMO
WGNE Session 1 – Member presentations

Review/action items/unfinished business from WGSIP 24 - William Merryfield

WGSIP Terms of Reference & web space - Ángel G. Muñoz

DCPP - Jon Robson

Formulation of S2S Task Group or Panel - Yuhei Takaya, *Andrea Molod

APARC - Debbie Hudson

CliC - François Massonnet

CLIVAR - Leon Hermanson

GEWEX - Constantin Ardilouze

RIfS - Dragana Bojovic 

Center update - Ron McTaggart-Cowan

Center update - Fanglin Yang

Research Board activities (AI TT, Digital Strategy, General) - Nils Wedi

Model Uncertainty Model Intercomparison Project (MUMIP) - Hannah Christensen

WGNE Table - Günther Zängl

HPC/Exascale Computing Update - Nils Wedi*

Physics-dynamics coupling and energy budgets in Earth System Models - Peter Lauritzen

Bias correction review - Ariane Frassoni

Ensemble predictability and forecasting at met centers - Tim Graham

WGSIP Session 3 – Aligned activities external to WCRP + updates/outcomes from WGSIP 2019-2024 cycle of activities
WGNE Session 3 – WGNE projects/collaborative activities

C3S - Anca Brookshaw

Land aspects of CONFESS & CERISE - Constantin Ardilouze

ASPECT - Verónica Torralba

Impetus for Change (I4C) - Dragana Bojovic

LC-ADCP - L. Hermanson

Extremes - June-Yi Lee / William Merryfield

Monsoons - Hongli Ren / Yuhei Takaya

Oceans/Temperature trends - William Merryfield

Information for Decision Making (I4D) - Ángel G. Muñoz

CHFP - William Merryfield / Jin-Ho Yoo

LC-SSPMME - Matthieu Chevalier 

AI/ML Research Board Task Force - Catherine de Burgh-Day

TC Verification and initialization overview - Masashi Ujiie

JWGFVR review activities related to WGNE - Caio Coelho

The Global Land and Atmospheric System Studies (GLASS) panel: Key research topics and new results - Volker Wulfmeyer

The AROBASE project: Towards a regional kilometre-scale multi-coupled modelling and forecasting system - Cindy Lebeaupin (CNRM)

AI activities for NWP applications at CNRM - Sara Akodad (CNRM)

EW4All survey - Ariane Frassoni

WGNE - WIPPS collaboration - David Richardson (WIPPS, ECMWF)

South America - Regional Model Verification Pilot project - Nils Wedi/Ramón de Elía

Joint plenary S2 – Initialization

Pathway to sustained delivery of climate forcing datasets - conclusions of recent scoping workshop - Anca Brookshaw

Ocean initialisation for climate simulations - Gokhan Danabasoglu

Improved initialization of the L-A system? A need to revisit the modeling of surface states and fluxes in coupled model systems - Volker Wulfmeyer

Initialising subseasonal to decadal predictions - Andrea Molod, Bill Merryfield

Tropical cyclone weak-intensity bias reduction through the semi-Lagrangian dycore - Ron McTaggart

Joint plenary S3 - Scale-aware parametrizations & Seamless prediction

Seamless prediction and predictability across weather-subseasonal-seasonal timescales - Priyanka Yadav

On causality, sources of predictability and bridging predictions across timescales - Ángel G. Muñoz

Aerosol aware / convection aware parametrizations - Georg Grell

MJO-TF Update (S1) - Charlotte DeMott*

Joint plenary S4 - Model processes improvements

Teleconnections in CMIP6 - Clementine Dalelane

Evaluating the impact of Aerosols on the S2S - Ariane Frassoni

Subseasonal-to-seasonal prediction of the boreal winter stratosphere - Javier García-Serrano

Assessing the impact of accurately representing river freshwater and turbulent fluxes on monsoon variability in a seasonal forecast model - Ankur Srivastava

APARC-SNAPSI study on the role of biases in the stratosphere on S2S predictability - Chaim Garfinkel

Joint plenary S5 - Bias reduction

Correcting weather and climate models with machine learned nudging tendencies - Oliver Watt-Meyer

Adaptive tuning of uncertain parameters in a numerical weather prediction model based upon data assimilation - Günther Zängl

Online bias corrections at ECMWF: what do we gain? - Inna Polichtchouk

Online atmosphere/ocean bias correction in CanESM5 and its impact on seasonal hindcast skill - Bill Merryfield

WGSIP Session 4 – Open discussions to inform the formulation of WGSIP 2024-2029 cycle of activities
WGNE Session 4 – Updates from partner/collaborative groups

Contribution of land to S2S and interannual atmospheric variability and predictability - Constantin Ardilouze

Research needs for operational services - Yuhei Takaya

WGNE Blue Book - Sara Pasqualetto

WCRP Digital Earths Lighthouse Activity (DE-LHA) Update - Andrew Gettelman

Center Update - Romain Roehrig

ACE: A fast, skillful learned global atmospheric model for climate prediction - Oliver Watt-Meyer

ML/AI for NWP modeling activities at NCEP and the US Community - Fanglin Yang

UKMO AI/ML activities - Tim Graham

AI activities at ECMWF and proposal for AI intercomparison project - David Richardson (WIPPS, ECMWF)