
Jun 02, 2024 to Jun 07, 2024
(Europe/Berlin / UTC200)


Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM), Pune, Maharashtra

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An International workshop on Stratosphere-Troposphere Interactions and Prediction of Monsoon weather EXtremes (STIPMEX) will foster all observational/modelling aspects of the stratosphere-troposphere coupling processes and extreme weather events associated with Asian summer monsoon. The workshop will provide a platform for discussions on dynamical, chemical, radiative and convective processes of the atmosphere during the Asian summer monsoon. It will particularly emphasize on the recent changes/trends in stratosphere-troposphere coupling process, linkages of stratospheric process/volcanic eruptions with the Asian summer monsoon. The challenges of forecasting extreme weather events during Asian summer monsoon will also be deliberated upon. The workshop will also showcase the new initiatives and insights for future pathways of forecasting extremes along with stakeholder discussions. There will be a one-day pre-workshop training session for students and early career scientists/professionals on latest data analysis techniques.

Themes of the STIPMEX Workshop:

  • Atmospheric composition, chemistry and dynamics in the monsoon upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS) and export of monsoon air to the global stratosphere
  • Observations in monsoon region with a special focus on recent field campaigns, e.g. StatoClim, ACCLIP, PHILEAS, BTAL
  • Variability of monsoon active/break spells and related tropospheric-stratospheric processes
  • Interaction and feedback of the Asian summer monsoon with large scale atmospheric patterns such as Brewer-Dobson Circulation, QBO and ENSO
  • Response of the Asian summer monsoon to volcanic eruptions (e.g. Hunga Tonga), large wild fires, anthropogenic emissions, and potential Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI) scenarios
  • The Asian Tropopause Aerosol Layer (ATAL) and impact on stratospheric aerosols; modeling and observational studies
  • Understanding the mechanism and physical processes behind extreme weather events
  • Understanding the interactions of extreme weather and large scale Atmospheric processes using model/observations
  • Challenges in Forecasting extreme weather events with longer lead at higher spatio-temporal scale in operational models