
Sep 30, 2024 to Oct 03, 2024
(Europe/Berlin / UTC200)


Prague, Czech Republic

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The meeting will be organized in a hybrid form, thus remote participation will be possible. However, all participants, especially presenters are encouraged to participate in-person.

The special topic of the year is "Targeted high resolution measurements and forecasting applications".

Especially welcome are contributions concerning special observation campaigns and their usage in the NWP, as well as their application in testbeds.

  1. Please use the ONLINE FORM to register for the meeting (Deadline: 31 May 2024). After sucessful registration you will receive a confirmation mail. If not please contact ewglam2024@chmi.cz .
  2. If you intend to present a national poster, please send the summary of your poster in one slide (preferably in pptx format) to Chiara Marsigli Chiara.Marsigli@dwd.de (Deadline: 31 May 2024).
  3. Contributions to the thematic sessions in the form of 20-minute presentations (including questions) are welcome. Please fill in the online form to propose a presentation. In case of questions you may use the following contacts: