Job Board

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Full-Time Postdoctoral Research Associate in Biophysical Interactions at Brown University

The Division of Applied Math at the Department of Earth, Environment and Planetary Sciences at Brown University is seeking a full-time postdoctoral research associate with a background in oceanography, microbial ecology, or a related field to work with Mara Freilich in collaboration with Kelly Luis, Ivona Cetinic (NASA), and Melissa Omand (University of Rhode Island). The postdoc will entail analysis of data from the S-MODE field campaign, a NASA project that aims to characterize the contribution of submesoscale ocean dynamics to vertical and horizontal transport in the upper ocean.

Deadline for first consideration: August 10th, 2024

Early Warning Scientist at CMCC Foundation, Italy

The Institute for Earth System Predictions (IESP) at CMCC invites applications for a postdoctoral/junior researcher position (depending on expertise), based in Bologna, to support sub-seasonal to seasonal forecasting activities, with a particular focus on Early Warning Systems (EWS). The postdoc/junior scientist will be responsible for the implementation and validation of EWS tools in Venice and for the interaction with the MedEWSa project partners, focusing mainly on the extension of the existing sea level early warning system to the sub-seasonal time horizon.

Deadline: September 26th, 2024

Info and application form

ESMO Open Calls