The Climate Forecast (CF) Conventions community has been awarded the AGU Open Science Recognition Prize, celebrating their pivotal role in advancing open, ...
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Digital Earths Lighthouse Activity is planning a global pan-hackathon for the analysis of 'Storm Resolving Models', involving 11 nodes in 6 continents
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Take the chance to join WCRP's core project on Climate and Ocean: Variability, Predictability and Change
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This webinar is part of the series organized by the WCRP Lighthouse Activity Digital Earths, convened by by Huw Lewis (Met Office, UK) and Rosimar Rios-Berrios ...
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This webinar is part of the WCRP Digital Earths webinar series on high-resolution land model and land-atmosphere coupling.
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ICR6 will bring together reanalysis producers, observation data providers, numerical modelers and members of the user community to discuss progress, challenges ...
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What is happening around ESMO and its partners